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Toronto’s Ombudsman tells landlords “Turn off the heat”

Toronto’s Ombudsman Susan Opler today added her voice to the City officials who have called on residential landlords across Toronto to immediately turn off the heat in their buildings until the current heatwave is over.

“I am very concerned by reports that some landlords believe that the City requires them to turn on the heat in their buildings as of September 15, regardless of the temperature outside. This presents a real risk to the health and safety of tenants.”

Ombudsman Toronto, which operates independently from the City and oversees City administration, has been contacted by tenants concerned for their safety and well-being and that of their neighbours. It has therefore begun an Enquiry to determine whether any City of Toronto policies, practices or actions have contributed to the problem.

“I am encouraging both tenants and landlords to contact Ombudsman Toronto to describe the challenges they have experienced over the past week relating to this issue,” Opler said.

Ombudsman Toronto contact information:

For more information or to arrange interviews, contact:
Alex DiGioseffo
Ombudsman Toronto
Office: 416-397-5435

Copies of an Ombudsman Toronto backgrounder are available on request. 

Ombudsman Toronto listens to and investigates people’s complaints and concerns about City administration and the fairness of City services. We are a free and impartial office that operates independently from the City, holding it accountable to the people it serves.