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How to Make a Complaint

Every person in Toronto deserves fair treatment from the City of Toronto and has the right to speak up if they don’t get it. If you feel you’ve been treated unfairly by or received unfair service from the City of Toronto, we’re here to help. Contact our office and we will confidentially and independently look into your concerns.

Follow these steps to try to resolve your issue.

1) Try to resolve the issue directly with the City.

The City of Toronto has the responsibility and must have an opportunity to resolve problems before our office gets involved. That means the first step is to raise your complaint directly with the relevant City division, agency, board, or corporation. More information on how to make a complaint to the City is available on its website or through the 311 mobile app.

  • Ask to speak to a manager or supervisor to discuss the issue.
  • Clearly explain what the issue is and what you’d like the outcome to be.
  • Write down the names of City staff that you speak with, when you spoke with them, and what they said.
  • Keep copies of your communications with the City and any documents you send.
  • Also keep copies of any communications or documents sent to you by the City.
  • If you are still unsatisfied, ask what appeal and review processes are available to you.
  • Take your issue as far as you can through the City’s complaints process until you get the City’s final answer.
  • You should receive an answer from the City in writing, with its reasons for the decision.

If you’re not sure where to make your complaint, you can contact 311 Toronto by phone at 3-1-1, email at, and they will direct you. And if the issue still does not get resolved or you are not satisfied with the City’s final response, continue with the steps below.

2) Make sure we are the right people to help.

We can investigate complaints about all City divisions and most City agencies, corporations, and adjudicative boards.

Not sure if we can help? Take a look at who we can oversee to for more information about what we can and cannot look into. If you still have questions or would like more information, you can contact us at or 416-392-7062.

3) Have the information and documents ready.

The more information you have about your complaint and your conversations with the City, the easier it will be for us to help. Try to have the following information available when you contact us.

  • Your contact information
  • The date when the issue(s) occurred
  • The name of the City division, agency, adjudicative board, or corporation your complaint is about
  • The name of the City division, agency, adjudicative board, or corporation your complaint is about
  • What the City told you and any information or documents you received from the City
  • Any documents relevant to your complaint (e.g., emails, copies of letters received, research you have done)

4) Make your complaint.

There are several ways you can make a complaint to our office. All complaints made to our office are confidential.

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