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Social Media Policy

What We Post on Social Media

On Twitter, we share updates and information on what we do and how we work. We also share relevant media articles and City of Toronto announcements that may be of interest to our followers. We do not share op-eds or other opinion pieces.

We welcome and encourage online engagement.

Ombudsman Toronto does not accept complaints on its social media platforms. If you have a complaint, please visit our website for information on how to make a complaint.

Social media posts are not in any way binding or an authoritative source of law, policy, advice, or guidance from Ombudsman Toronto.

Any associated account interactions (such as liking, sharing, retweeting, and linking of content, or following users) should not be considered as an endorsement of any kind.

Connect With Us


Ombudsman Toronto’s social media accounts are monitored during business hours on weekdays.


Ombudsman Toronto strives to only include accessible content.

Terms of Use

Ombudsman Toronto will take steps to remove or block users who post material that it deems offensive. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Racist, hateful, sexist, homophobic, slanderous, insulting, or threatening messages;
  • Abusive, aggressive, vulgar, violent, or obscene messages;
  • Messages that encourage or suggest illegal or illicit activity; and
  • Spam

Ombudsman Toronto reserves the right to supplement, remove or modify our Terms of Use as necessary, from time to time. Please check our website for changes or contact us directly.


Ombudsman Toronto reserves the right to use posts to our social media platforms in our print and online communications.


Twitter and Linkedin are hosted by third-party service providers. Users should read each platform’s terms of service and privacy policy before engaging in its use.

Ombudsman Toronto reserves the right to modify our Social Media Policy as necessary, from time to time.