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Resolving Heating Issues at TCHC

What Happened

Elizabeth contacted our office with concerns about the heat in her Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) unit. TCHC staff had confirmed that the heat and thermostat were both working, but Elizabeth wanted someone to check the insulation because she said her unit was still very cold.

What We Did

We contacted TCHC staff to see what could be done. They told us that they were aware of the issue but Elizabeth had been denying entry to her unit whenever they tried to investigate further. We followed up with Elizabeth, letting her know that she had to allow TCHC staff entry in order for them to determine what was causing the apartment to be so cold. Elizabeth agreed and allowed staff to enter her unit, where they confirmed that the living and dining rooms were in fact quite cold. TCHC then contracted an external company to look into the matter more thoroughly.

The Result

Thanks to our help, the issue was given the importance it deserved and was able to be properly addressed by professionals.

Why this Matters

Sometimes, even if the City has done nothing wrong, issues can arise. In those situations, it can be helpful to have a third party assist in moving the situation along smoothly. We worked with Elizabeth and TCHC to ensure that happened.